This study pertains to evaluation of population dynamics, burrowing and feeding behaviour of Red Ghost Crab Ocypode macrocera between August and December 2019 in Kanika Island, Bhadrak district, Odisha, India. A total of 203 individuals of O. macrocera and 246 burrows were enumerated in a 100 sq. m study site located in an intertidal sandy beach. The average density of crabs and burrows per sq. m were found to be 2.03 and 2.46 respectively. Study on the orientation of deposition of excavated sands as mounds from the burrows reveal that in 24.4 % burrows (60) the sand bounds were found in west direction, followed by 18.7 % (46) towards north-west and in 17.9 % burrows (44) the mounds were in north direction. The majority of mounds (74.3%) were facing seawards, the rest (25.7%) facing landwards. Inter-burrow distance ranged between 4.2 cm and 103 cm. Analysis of burrow architecture reveals that 90% of burrows were J-shaped and 10% were L-shaped. Feeding behaviour was seen to be scavenging and deposit feeding, leaving characteristic pellets. Inter-specific competition was observed between O. macrocera and Black Crow Corvus capensis. Predatory behaviour on the part of the crabs was not observed during the study period. Kanika Island, being uninhabited by humans, is a potential habitat for O. macrocera. Hence, a special management plan is required for the conservation of this species and protection of its fragile habitat.References
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